June 05, 2020: With the objective of providing quality and alternative education options to students in Kerala amid Covid-19 lockdown, Dish TV India, India’s leading DTH Company has started broadcasting ‘KITE Victers’ -an educational channel initiated by Kerala Government. The free-to-air channel will telecast daily from 6 AM to 11 PM. Dish TV India, devoted to broadcasting high-quality education programs and infotainment content in Malayalam, will carry the channel on both its platforms- DishTV & D2H.
Available on channel number 642 on DishTV and D2H, the programming on the channel is curriculum-based and primarily focuses on school education from 1st to 12th standard. Launched in 2006, KITE Victers delivers educational content from several national and international institutions like NFDC, BBC, DeutscheWelle, etc. Through DishTV and D2H platforms, students can take the classes while being at home amid the Covid-19 breakout.
Commenting on this new initiative, Mr. Anil Dua, Executive Director & Group CEO, Dish TV India Ltd, said, "The lockdown caused by COVID-19 has hit educational institutions the hardest as they had to shut down at short notice right in the middle of the term. We are pleased to broadcast KITE Victers, an educational channel in Malayalam, which is being supported by Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education, Government of Kerala. All our subscribers in Kerala can now use their DishTV and D2H connections to effectively educate their children at home. This initiative is yet another step by us in delivering the best and most relevant content right at the homes of our subscribers.”
For any additional information and better understanding, subscribers can also visit the website of Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education, Government of Kerala https://KITE.kerala.gov.in/KITE/, www.dishtv.in and www.d2h.com
About Dish TV India Limited:
Dish TV India Limited is India’s leading direct-to-home (DTH) Company and owns multiple individual brands like Dish TV, Zing and d2h under its umbrella. The company benefits from multiple satellite platforms including SES-8, GSAT-15, and ST-2 and has a bandwidth capacity of 1278 MHz, the largest held by any DTH player in the country. Dish TV India Limited has on its platform more than 700 channels & services including 31 audio channels and 71 HD channels & services. The Company has a vast distribution network of over 3,700 distributors & around 400,000 dealers that span across 9,400 towns in the country. Dish TV India Limited is connected with its pan-India customer base through call-centers that are spread across 22 cities and are equipped to handle customer queries 24X7 in 12 different languages. For more information on the Company, please visit www.dishtv.in
For further media queries, please contact:
Hirdesh Agarwal | Dish TV India Ltd | hirdesh.agarwal@dishd2h.com
Surbhi Shukla | Dish TV India Ltd | surbhi.shukla@dishd2h.com